Shake Up Your Sales Strategy
September is a popular month in the world of recruitment, perhaps because people come back from a summer holiday feeling refreshed and ready to shake things up a bit.
So if your sales staff have decided to move on to pastures new or, you are looking to expand your sales and marketing resource as you come into the home straight of this year’s sales targets… Maybe it’s time for your company to shake things up a bit too.
Before you start looking to fill your sales requirement with a new employee…have you really considered your options?
What if you could employ a whole team of sales & marketing experts, for the same cost of employing just one sales person, and without all the hassle (time and cost) of the recruitment process.
A specialist sales growth company, such as Momentum Partnership offers you just that option.
Paying out for a full time sales person can be a costly option, when you need to ensure you are getting a return on investment. It is important to understand what your sales target is for the new resource, and what needs to be done to achieve that target. Is it possible to recruit one person who is an expert in telemarketing, face to face appointments, has technical knowledge in your product and service, has a marketing degree, holds a CRM of prospect data, does not take holiday. IF ONLY! More than likely, they are just experts in one area, and as a sales person, its likely to be face to face appointments. Are they being productive 100% of the time, and are they motivated to make those essential telemarketing calls required to build a sales pipeline?
With Momentum Partnership you pay for time, which is allocated based on what you want to achieve. Because it’s not a one person full time role but a team of experts working together, it does not become monotonous and the time spent on building your sales pipeline is always focussed and productive. This ensures that you will always get the maximum return out of your investment.
One of the main benefits is being able to hit the ground running. Elevating that settling in period and the knock on effect on revenue, and everyone’s time! At momentum partnership you get a team of sales & marketing experts with the necessary skillset and tools required to achieve effective sales growth, including a live database of prospect information and an email marketing platform.
If reading this post has made you think about your options, then they are worth exploring further with Momentum.